

Selenium Remote Control 0.9.2 (September 20, 2007)

New in this release:
  • New PHP driver lets you write Selenium RC tests in PHP
  • Fixed our long broken Firefox 2 browser launcher
  • We can now reliably launch/kill IE7 on Vista in Protected mode with UAC enabled
  • New "captureScreenshot" command lets you capture PNG screenshots and save them to disk
  • New "getXpathCount" command tells you how many elements match a given XPath expression
  • New "addLocationStrategy" command lets you define new ways to locate elements on the page
  • Vastly improved stability in proxy injection mode -- it will probably become the default in a future version of Selenium RC.
  • Totally revamped logging
This release also includes a few small changes to the API:
  • "windowMaximize" and "windowFocus" no longer take an argument; just "selectWindow" to the window you want to maximize/focus before you call them.
  • The "getLogMessages" accessor has been removed; it never really worked properly anyway, and we now support much more sophisticated logging.
  • "setContext" no longer takes a logging level; use "setBrowserLogLevel" instead

ZDNet | 「Groovy 1.1-beta-3」リリース:10月にファイナル版リリースを目指す

Groovy全然触ってない。Eclipse の Pluginもあるみたいだから今更ながら触ってみるか…Java7の予習になるかもしれないし。

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